Mortal Wombat

I got a Week of August 12 notification for this?

This kind of whining about the state of movies just never resonates work me. There’s this pining for the good old days, and sense that good, adult movies are dead, that just doesn’t square with my lived reality at all.

Sure, but we’re talking different audiences. Disney’s core brand, the one with princesses and theme parks, is families with little kids (and usually the somewhat traditionalist ones), while most of the “Disney Adults” I’ve known were the dorky church camp types in their youth.

I thought Anxiety was great, I thought it was pretty well represented and they did a good job keeping it from being the villain.

I was thinking Encanto belonged on this list, but I guess it’s not Pixar, is it?

We’re also well into the era of anti-woke backlash against Disney. It’s no longer just the “that witch in Cinderella is corrupting our children” crazies who are anti-Disney, it’s gotten much more mainstream — and a good chunk of it is the “family values” types who historically were a core part of their audience. A

I tried watching it a few months ago, mostly for the first time (I’m mid-40s but never watched it in syndication).

It’s weird to me that you’re the second person who seems to love the show but is describing a fake rewatch.

Look, I get it’s VERY IMPORTANT for you to win this argument, but now you’re actively misrepresenting what I said. I never said it was good writing, just far from bad as far as recent AV Club articles go.

No I didn’t. Apparently your reading comprehension issues aren’t limited to just this piece.

She’s not being honest, though. She’s just fucking around and having a laugh, doing it to be funny and amuse herself and develop fans.

It recaps the Letterboxed thing. She used to fuck around writing goofy reviews on Letterboxd, which the author clearly appreciated. She’s since had people “coming for” her reviews, since they seem to take it all very seriously while she’s just having a laugh, much like she’s stopped shit posting about J Loans the

Was this review written by the King of England?

Meaning what, exactly?

Same. I have no particular interest in body horror, and without that the show doesn't have enough. There are some interesting nature concepts, but the utterly unconpelling human characters are too much to overcome.

It took me three reads of that paragraph, but I realized it works grammatically: “He never did” is in contrast to what “we know”. In other words, that seems to be a discussion of the fact the “he never did [know that his ‘antics were broadcast while in isolation’]”.

I loved Bennett’s baby man, at least the first time.

As someone born in 1976, I dunno it feels like just about everything worth a damn (and plenty not) has been rebooted.

Lie? No. Joke, yes.

First one of these I’ve watched, and wow this guy is a terrible interviewer.