Mortal Wombat

Yeah, Kellogg’s is simply populated by idiots who’ve intentionally made their products less palatable to their target demographic.

This right here is the answer.

if I was an actor and wanted to be taken seriously”

Anyone who thinks McFonald's was putting out a quality breakfast product in 1993 is nuts. The main difference now is that you're not 16 years old anymore.

I’m just here to praise you for loving to a Robb Walsh piece from the Houston Press.

You’re telling me that chefs are out there *finishing* their dishes with spice shakers?

Nah, you’re wrong. Table salt adds a textural element and density that makes any seasoning much easier to sprinkle. Odds are that you want some salt with the spices, so it’s fine.


Aside from treating a (poor) translation of a quote published in a French magazine as something Portman actually said... yeah, it’s great. Top notch AV Club work.

Oh man, AV Club. This is an article about a Variety article that translates an interview from Vanity Fair France. It’s not at all clear that what we’ve been presented here bears any real relationship to anything Natalie Portman said.

Nor did Natalie say what you’ve quoted.

That’s exactly how I viewed it when I first saw it, around age 20 in college. Well, also that the movie walked right up to the line and possibly over it, by how it dressed Portman, but again I accepted that as reflecting the reality of the situation it portrayed.

And where do you see that?

I’ve always loved this movie, but didn’t get to visit Japan until 2016 when my wife was there on a long-term assignment with Coca Cola.

Just saw this, enjoyed it, spent like half of it wondering to myself “is that Marshawn Lynch????”.

I don’t know what’s possessed you to create a straw man this elaborate, but what the fuck are you talking about? Who involved has said anything like “Go make your movie! You can do it too!”, and how does that relate to this movie even the slightest bit?

Holy wow, this is the weakest grammar nazism I’ve seen in a long time.

You can’t even *imagine* someone thinking that?

The DMCA definitely needs to be changed like iFixit is requesting, but no change to the DMCA is going to solve this particular problem. Taylor didn’t stop Kytch with a copyright claim.

Latinx is an American English word.