Mortal Wombat

Wholeheartedly agree.

Oof, big oof, to this whole piece.

There are *way* too many failure modes for me to enjoy relying exclusively on my phone.

Jesus Christ, what an asshole.

This comment works equally well for paper boarding passes

Is 100 million actually a big number for this? What did their competitors do? How much of the old version had they sold in the prior 2 months? A little context would go a long way here.

Or if you want a hobby that involves interaction with other people, find a different hobby. You are not your interest in videogames, you’re much much more than that.

Yes, it’s a goddamned tragedy. Closed for three whole hours.

Yep, and the French accept it as Belgian. There’s a big Parisian restaurant chain called “Leon de Bruxelles” that specializes in moules frites.

You’re right that you’ve always wanted to try these, and you’re also right that you’re squeamish.

Yes, but it appears the film also tried for something different, a variety of visual styles. Shrek and it sequels etc stuck to exactly one aesthetic, whereas apparently this one tries some different stuff a la Spiderverse.

It was a breakout hit. It was by Rian Johnson. It was Rian Johnson’s breakout hit.

Well shoot, if the Applebee’s CEO says it’s a hit with the kids, then it must be true.

Blue check is embarrassing. No one wants the world to know they can’t get some without paying for it.

Blue check means you're paying for it

I completely agree. S1 was by far my favorite.

For 40 years I had no idea that Laura Branigan’s wasn’t the original.

Jesus Christ.

That show was absolutely infatuated with her character. With very little justification.

I’m pretty sure I disagree with you, but I’ve read your comment twice and can’t make heads or tails of it.