Mortal Wombat

So you didn’t enjoy it, move on. Your implication here is that people going to Rocky Horror in the US shouldn’t do the Rocky Horror thing they so enjoy.

Man, what kind of person hates Whitney’s “I Will Always Love You”?

Man, you absolutely nailed it with this article. Exactly my experience of things, having spent cumulatively a couple months visiting while my wife was on a year assignment in Tokyo.

Are you ... are you dying?

This feels like an attempt to be contrary for its own sake.

The sweetness of ketchup complements a lot of things, but eggs aren’t one of them in my opinion.

The LA soft scramble looks tasty, but way too indulgent for an everyday breakfast.

This one great trick to ordering takeout is ... to actually order takeout, not delivery.

The article title is “Why you should always check your fast food receipts”, not “A primer on that little white thing they hand you after you order your eating stuff”.

Movies were never, ever the price of coffee.

Critical mass, yes, but it’s more about selection effects.

What you seem to be missing is that you are in fact using the emote to be condescending, not friendly.

Easy. The devs need to add auto-mute for emotes.

If a batter were to throw that same wink and thumbs up at a pitcher after hitting a home run, he’d 1000% be getting fastball in the ear his next time up.

Uh, cherrypicking from a Wikipedia article isn’t the gotcha you think it is.

This seems like a solid tip. Initially, I was inclined against it because I find slicing pizza to be a pain in the ass, but I think I’m going to give it a try.

Oh, this is that douchebag? I'm glad he won't be back.

Weed was way bigger in the 70s and today than it was in the 90s. These are the Just Say No generation; drinking would be more era appropriate than drugs.

Wait, “Myles Murphy” is the writer of a Spider Man-adjacent movie starring the inspiration for Miles Morales?

Are they the same people?