Mortal Wombat

Yep, some of this is very New Orleans, some very Louisiana, and some of it very Gulf Coast. Fantastic Asian communities definitely falls in the latter category.

I’m not putting words in your mouth. You said “I get that, but in 2022 those extra costs are literally the cost of doing business” — which is something quite different from “that’s the cost of doing business with Platypus Man”.

Great article, will make.

You’re telling me that they single-handedly blighted Detroit with their real estate purchases? No one has that kind of money.

leapfrogging all over the world” ?

And it’s fine if businesses move away from cash. But to frame it as "it's simply the cost of doing business" is dumb. You're not here enlightening business owners on some great mystery. They are well, well aware of people's expectations re: cards and have made the business decision to stick to cash.

You think they didn’t have cash registers in the 90s?

Try to keep it together. Credit cards have been extremely popular since the 80s. Customers haven’t put cash-only places out of business because they serve a niche — people who don’t care and want the services the cheapskate provider provides at the price he provides them at.

Doubtful. It’s a Breakfast Club reference, the bat isn’t part of the tagline — or that’s how it looks to me.

I can’t think of a reason to buy pre-made salsa.”

I can’t imagine hiring anyone to do my taxes, or using retail budgeting tools when I can make my own spreadsheet.

Party shots, like the Buttery Nipple or Blue Kamikazes, had also come into fashion.”

Not sure where the baseball bat comes in, but that’s a Breakfast Club reference for the jock, prom queen, goth etc aspect of the movie, right?

Are bits of heart really that surprising in a gory horror movie?

Jesus God, a link to a registered dietitian at Livestrong talking about aids to "digestion"? What were no medieval barbers available?

No real problem though. It probably has an ATM itself.

In your part of the country, sure. Cash-only is still very common in NYC. My barber (four different ones!), the halal truck, my pizza place, the shoe repair shop, lots of Chinese restos — none accept credit cards.

You think they’re somehow confused or mistaken in thinking their employees are stealing cash? You think they’re willing to forego a (small, admittedly) subset of potential transactions just to, what, flip off their employees?

If your theory is correct, the market will sort that out very quickly.

Im generally in favor of proprietors doing whatever they think works best for them in terms of what they’ll take, the hate for no-CC places just makes no dn sense to me.