Mortal Wombat

Again, if you’re going to make the argument, make the argument. Alluding to it, providing footnotes, whatever is just deflection. If you believe in the argument, make it — it’ll be easy. If you don’t believe in the argument, then stop with this misdirection.

The only way in which the “pack the fridge to reduce energy usage” makes any sense is from an air-mixing standpoint. More empty space means more cold air, meaning potentially more cold air lost every time the door is opened.

No, it’s a mis-thinking on your part. Dosing it like you’ve suggested doesn’t reduce the amount of heat tove removed, so it doesn’t help.

“Some” are accusing the term of being linguistic colonialism? Who? You? Why are you hiding behind what “some people are saying” like you’re Trump or something. If you’re compelled by that argument, whatever it is, then make it, don’t just allude to it like we’re supposed to know what you’re taking about.

How is this undisclosed?”

On the assumption you’re not being intentionally obtuse:

That holds some appeal for me, thanks.

Yes, preferable to Latina/o. Not as intentionally inclusive, but better.

There’s a long long way from what I said — “don’t care about trans people” — to “transphobic”.

You seem confused. We’re talking about English as spoken in America.

Well, seeing as your argument hasn’t actually gotten *more* dumbshit in the last four months, I guess good on you for smartening up and abandoning now.

Ooh!!!! Is this the start of my much-longed-for Weekend at Bernie’ssance?

By S2 I was tired of how the show wanted me to empathize with a really, really, really terrible person. Told myself I’d tap out if it didn’t get any less gross on that front, in terms of presenting Barry as the guy we’re all rooting for.

Latinx people who care about trans people prefer it.

What exactly am I misrepresenting in the stupid shit I quoted from random urologist on the internet? Here’s what she said:

I say ‘No thanks, those aren’t potato chips’, and then I throw up a little.”

If you’re literally starving, which is a thing that happens (just not in this country), Oreos are perfectly healthy.

Would’ve been nice if this entire article about the health risks of raw oysters could’ve include a fact or two about the actual riskiness of eating raw oysters.

I had a friend who was addicted to water. He got to the point where he felt constantly off, weird and dehydrated and needed to drink more water.

Yeah, this was a particularly bad article.