Mortal Wombat

And often it’s “mineral water”. Meaning water with a distinct flavor to it, which may or may not be carbonated.

Similarly important is the amount of water contained in gels and washes.

Nah, you’re completely misinterpreting the show.

Yeah, and he’s a good lawyer to boot.

You’ve got that all wrong. Howard is a people pleaser, who tried to protect Jimmy from Chuck’s assholery (and Chuck from its repercussions) by putting himself out there as the bad guy.

Kim’s not fine. She’s become Saul Goodman just as much as Jimmy has.

It’s weird to me that this is people’s takeaway in season 6, that Howard’s not a bad guy. They laid this all out there in season 1, when it was revealed that it was not Howard who was keeping Jimmy down, but Chuck.

Wow, so you got confused and then just went full asshole rather than admit your confusion. Not a good look.

Ear plugs are way way better than headphones for drowning out noise.

If the showstopper doesn’t include the line “they’ll say aw Topsy, at my autopsy” then they’re not getting my money.

“Teddy (Larry Murphy), who isn’t full-on family but at this point might as well be, is a hapless handyman who just really, really cares about his best friend Bob and the restaurant he somehow still incorrectly calls “Bob Burgers” despite eating there every day.”

Nice article, interesting subject.

This is quite possibly the worst of the recent spate of stupid clickbait article on the Takeout. I’ve been here from nearly the beginning, but I’m about to leave, y’all.

It feels like the cast is larger than it's ever been. Is there really a one-out one-in thing with SNL, or do they just make the cast as large/small as they feel like?

I agree that the articles argument re:sodium isn’t valid.

Your pizzas look ah-fucking-mazing. I live in Manhattan now and those all look better than 90% of the pizza I’ve found.

So, at the most basic level, a mocha drink must contain some form of milk, espresso, and chocolate in order for it to be classified as a true mocha”

You clearly haven’t tried the one the vegan milk they referenced here. Silk Next Milk tastes basically like milk.

It’s only important to the people who bitch about that kind of shit.

Yeah, that’s been a big element of it — omnivore demand for veg options.