Mortal Wombat

Indian food, especially pure vegetarian South Indian, is a spectacular vegetarian option. My wife has been vegetarian since the Clinton administration, and on our first date when I had no idea what to do with a vegetarian girl I lucked into a a S Indian place that saw our love develop for years and years.

You won’t find a bigger jackfruit fan than me, but it’s a shitty meat replacement and we need to end that charade.

Hey, you’re the one holding up Murray as the model here.

I tried Wandavision and Loki, but quickly got bored by both.

Hey, I love vegan food as much as the next guy — my wife and I are moving apartments and a top criterion is closeness to the vegan restaurants in the Lower East Side and Bowery — but this headline gives waaay too much weight to some rando.

Murray’s expressed hope, at least as paraphrased* in this article, was that younger actors learn from “his public stumbles”, as he had done with actors before him. That is, specifically, learning from what he did wrong.

Of course it’s not his place. Which is why the author of this piece is right to question Murray’s hope that younger actors will learn from his mistake. They can’t learn from what they don’t know about, and it’s not his place to share it.

Good god. The author was simply pointing out that Murray’s expressed hope of younger actors learning from his mistake is questionable since no one knows what happened.

That’s it. That’s all.

We don’t know that Murray made iffy jokes with someone he doesn’t know personally. We know nothing other than Murray “did

Ah, so poor pedantry confirmed.

So you’re suggesting that Bill Murray’s thought was that the information wouldn’t go public. Rather he was going to tell each young actor, individually, what he had done so that that young actor could learn from his mistake.

My wife’s vegetarian. It’s enjoyable to find things that are tasty and work for both of us. Sometimes stuff tastes mushroomy and sometimes it doesn’t.

Well, it’s critical to the thought that was expressed.

A dickhead walks into a bar. He says, “I’m better than everyone else and you all suck”. The bartender says “Hey Billy Barty.”

I don’t get the White Castle thing. I generally like sliders, perhaps it’s that the whole thing is less likely to fall apart since it’s just a bite or two.

I’ve found in multiple American cities that the best baguette-equivalent is the bread used for banh mi. Typically the local fancy French bakery isn’t doing enough volume to keep it fresh and is so overpriced that it fails in comparison.

I’m not sure what “real cheese” means to you, but if it goes on a hot dog I doubt it would be recognized as such outside the U.S.

It’s all basically vinegary chicken fingers. The bone-in ones just have a little cartilage in the mix.

I knew a guy in college who was a a D-1 swimmer, smart, really wanted to fly fighter jets.

I take my peace of mind in knowing that America throws away a shit ton of food every day. There’s tons of slack in the system — look at all the stuff that shut down early in Covid, yet there wasn’t even a sniff of an idea that they’re wouldn’t be enough food for the country to eat (even if a few things like pork

Yeah, it’s a point you have still failed to make.