Mortal Wombat

The numbers are much more nuts than you’d think. Let’s walk through the math.

Best I can tell, the answer to the headline question is “Not at all”.

No, it just dilutes him.

Nope. The board could execute the poison pill, just like @TigerNightmare described, devaluing Musk’s shares and making it ruinously expensive for him to try to buy the company just by acquiring shares.

There’s just no there there in your argument.

Yes, whatever the hell you want that tolerates that much shade.


Grow something, yeah, but you’re not getting full light on anything. Unless it’s not actually a balcony.

I would. I have had the same experience, and I am certainly a “casual fan”. If you want to throw Raising Arizona on the list of named films then fine, but the quote is “mainly from stuff like” not “exclusively from”.

Nah, your balcony isn’t going to full sun for any plants, even if they were alone in the pot. 

Just because you’re afraid of something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it.

I don’t get this horror that people have for cooking in the microwave.

Let me guess, you also wear two shoes? Wow!

In all of my 45 years, most of the access to multiple microwaves, none of which were ever left open to air-dry, I have never seen a rusty microwave.

Yeah, I don’t get trying to partially recreate the main pizza experience in the crust, adding cheese and toppings.

You took issue with the article’s reference to the Hyperloop, saying “the hyper loop was never going to be part of this company”

Ah yes, I can see how you’d have trouble identifying which of your half dozen consecutive weird-nerd-for-Elon rants I was responding to. It was this one:

I get being proud of what you’ve done, but this part is the article is weird:But the loaves have all been edible and wildly better than what I buy from the store. The difference is almost unreal.”

We’re going to do what now? Exactly what kind of kook are you?

Seems extremely limited in its usability — just to crops that would thrive despite all that overhead shade.