Mortal Wombat

“You can grow enough food to feed one person for a year in four 4'x8' raised beds. ... In my experience, we grow so much food in our raised beds that it overwhelms our ability to preserve...”


Buying business by dramatically undercharging and paying yourself with VC money isn’t innovation, it’s

Thanks. That makes much more sense than “consumers have used their voices to hold brands accountable".

Not to mention this is the dumbest fucking one of these they’ve done.

I find it hard to believe that consumers voicing complaints was enough to get stylists to stop using fake food.

How mushroom-forward is this recipe? I tend to find mushroom flavor off-putting.


I think that’s a fair take on the situation except for the “helped legitimize Trump” part. I mean when did Baldwin start playing him, like a month before Trump won the election?

Ah, so the issue is you don’t know what “basic” means? That tracks.

Yeah you’re missing some key ingredients, and a bunch of flavors.

Learning the Hustle in gym class doesn’t make you old, at least compared to the folks who picked it up in the discos.

Lizzo sucked. I'm not sure the writing have her much to work with, but she clearly had the "audience member called up to the stage and being a good sport about it" vibe the whole night.

The Baldwin impression was perfectly fine. Highlighted Trump’s stupidity.

I’m certainly not this extreme on ketchup; there are plenty of applications where I would find it cloyingly sweet and thus to be avoided.

You’re confusing “basic” with “common”. Ketchup is a rich mix of flavors, one that can be two sweet for a number of users, but the umami, sour and sweet brings a lot.

Not french fries? What is wrong with you?

Blame their ubiquity on TikTok, where Cheetos are used in viral recipes for everything from salad to Korean corn dogs.”

The detective story in season 1 was by far the worst part of the show. I decided at the time that scifi and whodunnit go together like nuts and gum(shoe). The big mystery just dwarfs any interest in the small one.

So wait, the conspiracy is that a producer marketing board marketed its product?