Mortal Wombat

Like, even ordering a pizza?

It appears that the people you’re trying to help don’t *want* you to have that rule.

Meh, music is something that many people are able to do very well (a small portion of the population to be sure, but still a LOT of people), and most who do it are in it for the passion.

Just want to second (or third or whatever) that that part of the trailer really put me off this movie.

Is the next article going to tell me to tie my shoes?

Eh, you suck. But seems like you own it, so cool.

Seriously, you dismissed my response?

Still a worthwhile discussion. The audience voluntarily come here despite all the tracking. Why would same audience care about it at Wordle?

Sure, it’s at odds with some of the reasons people even flocked to Wordle in the first place”

Well shit, I didn’t realize you had the entire weight of one guy’s subjective perception of his eating experience behind your claims. I withdraw my statement.

This sort of criticism just leaves me cold.

The acting was just so shitty in Mandalorian.

Hard to argue that it hasn’t been like that for at least four decades.

Well put.

If it’s “unhealthy” (and no food in a vacuum is either healthy or unhealthy unless it’s literally toxic or infectious, but I’m saying even if it were) then it has nothing to do with the sugar being HFCS and everything to do with the amount of sugar.

Your poop comment definitely deserves that Billy Madison “may God have mercy on your soul” gif.

Your comment on the best diet being the one you can stick to is right.

These are completely different things, with minimal overlap in motivation.

I’m glad this sounds good, I’ll watch it.

Certainly not everyone. I’m an old man and current law school student; the other students are almost all under 30. Last semester the prof made a “Parents Just Don’t Understand” reference, and no one (other than me) got it.