Mortal Wombat

You’re misunderstanding that other commenter. You think that other commenter is stating that Cross doesn’t care what other people think about him, when they’re clearly stating that Cross doesn’t care how he makes other people feel.

Cross has always been, for me, the quintessential 90's asshole. Like, the guy I’d never want to get stuck next to at a party. Just look at him, still all in flannel in (nearly) all these shots.

Let’s just not, okay? Let’s just not care about Kanye. Him and Salt Bae.

The sorting is getting more obvious, but we’ve been this way for years.

Potato chip is a perfectly accurate and well-understood descriptor of Pringles.

Pringles are potato chips.

I mean, it’s no Waikiki Hockey, but yeah.

Great, great interview.

Your approval means a lot to me.

I prefer boneless. Dealing with the bones is too much hassle. You do get more interesting fried textures in the variety of surfaces that a drumette provides, but I'll still take ease and cleanliness.

He’ll always be Bruno Mars to me, because my brain is dumb.

You keep talking about “closed faces” and “open faces” and I have no clue what it means. 

No idea what you’re complaining about. Are you saying too many people had masks, or too few? Are you saying the supermarket shouldn’t have been empty? Are you saying the TV shouldn’t have gotten some stuff wrong?

Yeah, there’s an interesting book on just that subject by this scientist:

Tampa. Cuban sandwiches. Made with fresh Cuban bread from Ybor City, buttered and pressed.

As a native Tampan, I was dismayed by the headline, but it clicked when the shortcake was revealed.

I’m baffled that you’re baffled. This whole article is about how it’s more of a differentl-flavored Bolognese. Just like at the headline, even.

Agree completely. To my palate, having spent 25 years in Texas (but growing up in FL with family from Cincy) I would take a bowl of Skyline on spaghetti over a bowl of Texas chili any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

It’s fantastic spaghetti sauce. Better than any bolognese. Give me a Skyline frozen dinner (don’t know if they do that anymore) against any bognese your grandma makes.

The cheese is an optional topping. A popular topping, sure, but what you’re doing here is equivalent to chucking out all pizza because you think mozz and pepperoni don’t go together well.