Mortal Wombat

Sure, you’ll be fine with pics for 30 days straight. You’ll be fine with anything for 30 days straight as long as you eat in the proper range of calories.

I feel like that chair-through-window sketch would have worked if Dafoe had been the boss, and then went full bruised-ego, refuse-to-take-responsibility after his attempt to join in the fun went horribly awry. Like, if his response was to scream at the room, not be sheepish and apologetic.

Who salmon?

Where does this article say Manning is egotistical, much less suggest amazement at such thing?

This review is holding up that sketch as the best from Peyton’s 2007 hosting gig, and that gig as best of all athlete-hosted episodes.

Syed’s case didn’t make it to the Supreme Court, and the Court didn’t deny his request for a new trial, it never even heard his case.

Brody showed a clip of this on Colbert that looked like a white dude mashing a bunch of thoroughly incompetent black dudes (all dressed like “gang bangers”) in the head with a wrench. Note that the victims may not have all been black, the scene was dark and hard to follow.

If recently is the late 90s, then you’re spot on. That’s when (then-)young white guys borrowed it from rap videos.

By god, I will go to bat for this song and Walkin on the Sun anytime, anywhere.

What, no cider drink?

He said “there’s no such thing as breaking the seal” and then described the exact process to a tee, as a thing that happens.


That’s just some guy — a urologist, sure — saying it doesn’t make sense to him. He hasn’t actually conducted any studies on the issue.

I mean, you can make bald assertions supported by nothing except your own experience (that drunk people drink more liquor than beer) and act like they’re facts.

Eh, I think you’re vastly simplifying how the body works with regard to signals of need to urinate.

But the article covers your point exactly: “It’s about the amount of alcohol you’re forcing your body to metabolize at once, not the form in which you consume it.”.

Agree. The chicken breast is too big, and I reacted exactly as you did to the guy saying "it's 20% bigger". It overwhelms the bun, is hard to eat and the bun ends up sort of melting away by the end.

Your initial comment was a bit misleading, at least if it was in reference to this study.

You’re telling me that there are people on this thread who think a highly calorie restrictive diet where they’re doing e.g. 12 pounds a month is something they could sustain forever?

McD’s in Japan is fun, but mostly because it’s interesting to see a super clean, well-run friendly McDonald’s anywhere.