Mortal Wombat

Ugh, the McAloo tiki burger is terrible. Potato potato on bread = same on same texturally, and the flavors are very muted.

I agree, but isn’t what you’re saying just painfully obvious?

The body may or may not respond to a “perceived deficit”, but it certainly responds to an actual deficit — particularly one sustained long enough to that the glycogen stores are depleted and the body has to liberate energy from fat to sustain is function.

Source that a BMI of 40 has equivalent health outcomes to 23?

Do you have any idea how incomparable the activity levels of a WWII soldier and an average modern American are?

Depends heavily on a variety of factors. For a guy my size, 1800 cals is roughly break-even, if I'm not exercising.

If you’re consistently losing weight, but never hungry, that’s concerning.

Pete channeling Adam Sandler for his bits (prom dress sketch) really works for him. Should stick with that.

Not familiar with Miranda’s prior promise to do better (re: dearth of actual Black voices in Hamilton). Do you have a link?

Can’t say I love the idea of a white nationalist villain in a superhero show. I mean, it’s an apt reflection of the times to be sure, but it’s really hard it seems to keep the villains from being awesome.

The comment you replied to said there’s a large group of people who *don’t know* what 70F feels like, but he’s pretty sure that they know that 32F is freezing (0C).

Are you... joking?


What does that have to do with anything?

Worthless precision. You telling me you care whether it’s 51 degrees or 53 degrees?

Jesus F Christ Gizmodo, now you’re covering “technical analysis” (aka snake-handling level mumbo jumbo) on frigging Bitcoin? Just piling dumb on top of dumb?

That’s the whole problem of the show. Joel Osteen and his wife are some of the most despicable humans on this planet, as are all wealth-gospel preachers.

There’s a difference between not knowing the equivalence [ Tc = (Tf - 32)*5/9] and not being familiar with the single fact that 32F is the freezing point of water.

I liked this show, but not nearly as much as I expected to. Part of it I think was me, part of it I think was the show.

He planted it with her agent.