Mortal Wombat

Sorry your had to evacuate, but glad you enjoyed it!

Damn that sounds good.

Eh, Tex Mex food didn’t really develop in situ in pre-US Texas.

I’m sorry, there’s just way too much of the phrase “mud butt”* in “Muddy Buddy Butter”.

I’m sorry, there’s just way too much of the phrase “mud butt”* in “Muddy Buddy Butter”. :)

Considering hundreds of dogs die every year because of chocolate”

You is singular. Y’all is plural. All y’all is the group plural, for more than 3 people or so. That’s the usage I’ve observed, at least.

Hello fellow non-native Houstonian! I sadly left town a few years ago, but my heart is still in Houston.

Interestingly, Tex-Mex as name of the cuisine was coined as a pejorative by Diana Kennedy, a (British) food writer in New York who popularized Mexican food in the U.S, as a way to distinguish it from authentic Mexican food.

I’d be interested in hearing your take on the other stuff on the Jollibee menu, things that you can’t get at a half dozen other national chains.

Keep meaning to see it, but never get around to it. I saw John Wick a few months ago and hated it (a little too far into murder porn for my tastes), but still want to watch Constantine.

I’m not sure what “stanning so hard” means, but I can tell you what I’m doing. I’m continuing to point out that the criterion OP laid out is a terrible one to judge a restaurant by.

Sure, the restaurant failed with respect to these customers.

Man, y’all are taking this really seriously.

I’m pretty disappointed that more people here didn’t appreciate Rice.

I enjoyed the Christmas card sketch, thought it was better than “fine”. Some nice specificity in all the pieces, e.g. mean-girl’s kid as blooming incel.

Tend to agree. Was 15 when it came out, saw it in the theater, liked it a little for the bright colors and my general affection for Robin Williams, but was mostly disappointed.

That word*, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Did your read the comment I was responding to?

Dude, how lost are you? I certainly didn’t say a vegan should go to a steakhouse. I said if one did, and then left hungry, it’s not the case that the _restaurant_ failed.