Mortal Wombat


My new guess is they were fucking with them for all the allergy issues. Could definitely see this teeny Italian restaurant being annoyed by a gaggle of Americans demanding they change up the set menu in all these different ways.

You sure you know the difference between vegetarian and vegan? I’ve never been to one that would be able to serve a vegan meal.

That’s a really poor criterion. If you run a steakhouse and your vegan guest leaves hungry, you haven’t “failed”.

Not even the double post?

So you’re going with the “everyone was doing it” defense for Walters?

Agreed. Petty.

I watched all the Pixar specials on Disney+ that was available as of about a year ago. Was hoping for something to grab me like Bao, or even like half as much as Bao did. Nothing did.

This needs a lid or cover to keep my cats off it when I’m not actively puzzling. Even better if it would clamp down on the pieces so I can store the thing on its side while not in use.

This needs a lid or cover to keep my cats off it when I’m not actively puzzling. Even better if it would clamp down

The “Holy Fucking Shit” was just perfect, and has (obviously) stuck with me to this day.

There’s only one answer to this question:

Let’s just go with “held accountable”. Most accurate, least inflammatory.

Italian or Greek?

Christ, aren’t they in bare feet after their swim? All that glass!

That line certainly suggests she won an acting Oscar, but the article also says this:

I just don’t get describing A Beautiful Mind as “treacly and forgettable”. For me it was a horror movie and a tragedy, watching such a brilliant mathematician (and author of one of my favorite mathematical insights) in such a struggle. It was also ambiguous and open-ended, in a good way — what has his recovery really

Yeah, legally blonde is a great movie as well as niche classic for a wire large niche. Despite being same age as the characters when it’s came out, I am currently in law school and that movie has made a lasting impression on a generation of women. Just look at the number of Redditors named “ellewoods1996" etc on

If an extra four workdays is going to make a difference — which is the clear implication of his “skip Thanksgiving!!!” message — then Elon can easily cover it himself out of pocket.

He’s the one who put those execs in place, he’s the one who oversaw them while they were in place. If he gets any credit, it’s for unplugging the microwave after he set the house on fire cooking a ball of tin foi.

Nah, he looked like Trump. Their physicality is very much the same. He certainly looks more like Trump than James Austin Johnson looks like Trump. More than Jay Pharaoh looked like Obama. At least as much as Carvey looked like Bush.