Mortal Wombat

“I judge it on what what what I’d be proud to be in.”

He said cat food, not cat pee.

How is saying the employee was poorly trained “blaming the min wage employee”?

What most people fail to realize it’s that our litigiousness isn’t a function of greediness, but a symptom of the puny and paltry regulatory state in the U.S.

Me and the Sky is absolutely the showstopper. Big, big moment.

Myles, I think you meant “telegraphed”, not “choreographed”, right?

I don’t agree with you, but this seems like a good place to wonder how “fanatic” ever got to be taken as a positive descriptor.

Funny, just reading “Sam/Rebecca romance” my head immediately goes to a 30 year old show, doing a poor imitation of its own early years.

When I moved to India for a 6-month assignment, 10 years ago, I went through the trouble of setting up a VoIP app on my phone so I could use an Indian SIM card but still get calls on my own number. Because I’m cheap, and I enjoy pointless technical challenges like that.

Fuck off, ketchup and mustard belong on hotdogs and hamburgers.

I agree, and I should’ve been more clear.

Fair point and I tend to agree.

Notice that the food trends expert describes the audience for this as having grown up watching TV characters eating Hershey’s, but there’s no reference anywhere in the article to any Brits actually buying that trash.

Counterpoint, the best Marvel movies are the funny ones (Guardians, Ragnarok) and Iron Man 3 is a snoozefest.

No, you’re wrong.

I knew this guy’s voice from a S2 episode of Central Park, could picture his face, but could not place his name. Looking it up on IMDB, I’m shocked to realize I had no idea what his name was, even though he’s such a recognizable actor for me.

Not a huge fan of this, but the S2 episode Fist Puffs Mets Out Justice is fantastic. If you’ve got any love for other Bouchard stuff (e.g. Bob’s), then watch that ep and just walk away with warm feelings for this show.

- eggs: scrambled

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays

Did she blackmail Savant? I thought she offered him 10 years off his sentence.