Mortal Wombat

How do you get people comfortable with a car that drives itself?”

I will get the Covid vaccine as soon as they let me.”

Yeah, no, this isn’t really a thing. In most workplaces, no one “hides” their children. I’ve been to endless baby showers, contributed to countless baby gifts, and have untold gigabytes of newborn pics from my 20 years in consulting.

I had a fried chicken sandwich at a local place the other day that was either extremely dry dark meat, or turkey. I took the “try not to think about it” approach too.

I’m always up for Japanese convenience store eats.

That’s right, I totally forgot Shake Shack made it to Texas. And not that recently, either. My issue was that back then I had it confused with Steak n Shake, and was wondering what people were excited about.

Guilty as charged. I’ve had cheese curds from Wisconsin bring me cheese curds, I’ve had poutine around Quebec, and have been nothing but underwhelmed.

Yeah, to clarify, I also think S2 is very good. If S1 didn’t exist, I wouldn’t nitpick someone saying the show started great and curdled after 2 seasons (because S2 and S3 were by far the best).

The cost comparison is fair. Shake Shack definitely is more expensive than In-N-Out.

+garlic = genius

From the pov of the 70s/80s, he’s fat. Like, I’m sure he’s bigger than my friend’s dad who everyone thought of as fat when I was a kid then.

They did a whole article on it. It’s linked in this one. And no, it’s not hate for things that are fresh.

Damn, that burger looks fantastic. Funny, I had seen Culver’s “butter burger” mentioned here a few times and was under the impression they put butter in with the patty. But I see it’s just a buttered bun, which is always a good idea — Fuddrucker’s buttered and toasted top bun was always a key component of what made

Eh, I don’t think that pattern fits for any of Schur’s shows.

A good question, phrased fantastically

Northern Exposure was such a great show, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a major influence on a lot of the “nicecore” television we’re seeing’

Yeah, I only watched the first free episodes, but never got the love for this show.

Oh my god you’re all so old!

I remember a watch party at my friend’s house, somewhere around age 8. He was the friend with Disney Channel and the mom who liked to throw little parties for no particular reason. She was lovely; the dad was a nightmare - so much screaming.

My grocery shopping tip is Friday nights. My wife was out of the country on assignment for the better part of a year, so I ended up with greater need to be fully on top of errands (since no one else was going to pick up the slack, and the cats need litter!) and little to do on most Friday nights.