Mortal Wombat

You seem like a garbage person. Is licking the conveyor belt big in your part of the country?

Nothing infuriates you more than minimum wage retail workers who can’t read your mind?

Dolly Parton is a national treasure.

Ground turkey had its day as a substitute for ground beef.

This post completely ignores sliced deli meats. I’m certain there are people in this country who eat turkey five days a week. I'm not taking outliers like someone who hunts wild turkey, I'm talking people with very "normal" suburban tastes, whose typical lunch includes sliced turkey in a sandwich.

I notice you didn’t mention any wild game (or really much in the way of meats that are actually eaten).

Omg so hot. Nobody badasses quite like a spicy-food badass.

As one of the five, can confirm you’re missing out.

Not sure watching any movie qualifies as “adventurous”, but if your goal here is to intentionally ignore the collected opinions of viewers, why use a collective-opinion site at all?

Sure, but 60% is terrible odds on how to spend my free time. There are plenty of things (including plenty of movies) where there’s a much greater chance that I’ll enjoy myself..

Huevos rancheros, green chile tomatillo sauce (unless spicy/tangy is a problem, but even so give it a go). Skip any tortilla and rice.

Damn, that looks good.

In addition to being fantastic TV, I can now reliably distinguish between Bob O?d?k?rk and Steve O?d?k?rk.

What explanation were you looking for? That was his go box - had his stash of “cash” (diamonds) and the phone number for the vacuum repair guy.

There’s no part of Jimmy/Saul in BB that carries the weight of having a loved one die.”

The first, and therefore of course best, hummus I ever had was from Dimassi’s in Houston. Zero tang, zero lemon, just endless creamy, mouth-coating, rich umami delight.

You’re being unrealistic in suggesting that those people who have the same password for very website are going to go change every password every 60 to 90 days.

Just because Cardcaptor hasn't identified a weak link in the chain doesn't mean one doesn't exist.

“Broke a tooth in the Octagon" is the password, not a hint.

You think people who don’t want the hassle of multiple passwords are gonna go through the hassle of changing every password on every site, every x months?