Mortal Wombat

My internalization of film/TV techniques is something I’ve noticed a lot more during the pandemic.

Internal quoting gives nothing of what I’m looking for — which is scanning a thread based on header info. Say I want to find the attachment that someone (I forget who) on the Comms team sent me a couple weeks ago in response to my email, on this topic where my team and theirs have sent 30 emails over the past month?

I have an Outlook filter to copy all my sent messages into my inbox, so I can sort a conversation on subject line and see my own emails in addition to my counterparty’s. CC’ing oneself would accomplish the same thing.

Terrible article. About halfway through, you start using “ellipses” as singular (e.g. “No ellipses is really created equal”).

I’ll eat anything, and food is one of my great interests — I worked for years to finally get a 6-month assignment in India because I’m obsessed with the food. (It was glorious.)

It’s not though. I went through my adult life about 30 pounds overweight. I hated clothes shopping, snored like hell, and was always uncomfortable sitting down, trying to not let my midsection show.

I, too, would like Kevin Smith to write that dialogue.


Yeah, I prefer my childhood version of Fett. Badass-looking guy who got what he deserved.

Could someone explain why the storm troopers wear that shitty armor?

Can’t believe how no one is noting that Kendall fucked it again by tipping Stewie about the Pierce deal.

Just finished S1, and agree 100%.

He’s both CEO and chairman of the board. Back in the first (or 2nd?) ep they said something about separating those two roles during the emergency, with Kendall being CEO; don’t remember who was going to be chairman or if they said.

What’s wrong with I Gotta Feeling at a wedding?

Odd that you wrote these so spoiler-heavy.

2020 says “Ha”

Pedro Pascal turned into a doughy 80's douchebag so gradually I didn’t even notice.

Of all the sad things I can think of, this is not one of them.

You absolutely called him a hunk. You said the writer’s leaned into his weird energy and NOT just jim being a hunk, which you liked.

I can’t be the only person who spent that whole article waiting to see how the salmon would get worked in. Can I?