Mortal Wombat

I watched Heroes and Lost. And Battlestar Galactica.

Looks to me like they’re trying to evoke wooden sailing ships pre-19th century, in the same way Luke-era designs evoke the enormous metal military ships of today.

It definitely overdid the regionally-tailored vaccine joke: the Carolina barbecue joke was modestly amusing, the pizza one was weak and terribly constructed.

Why don't you tell us why you think everyone compares Lauren to Aidy.

Gorgeous I can see, particularly with the hair. But this episode have us a lot of him with flat hair, highlighting the Appalachian-cousin kid aspect of his face and jawline.

It was your comment that objectified the “hunk”.

Gorgeouse hunk? I kept finding myself distracted by how sickly Chalamet looked whenever you could see his bare arms. He make Davidson look healthy.

Did your first one hit a word limit or something?

Sure, but Coe is legit racist. I don’t Judy mean old school racist, I mean the kind of racist that old racists would call racist.

This was one of the better SNLs this season. The opening was a layup, but they hit it.

This is too many steps.

Can’t comment on the rest, but you don’t understand what relative humidity means.

What are you going by for that definition?

Explains Britain.

You took me on a journey from intense skepticism to complete buy-in.

That really, really needed a comma.

Isn’t he beloved for Into the Woods? I’ve never seen it, but somehow I heard of him in it, and that’s what I associated him with when he slid into his late night gig.

Am a straight man, my wife and I took my and parents to see it on Broadway when they were visiting. We all enjoyed it very much, tearing up a bit.

Reliably weird dude.

I’ve never understood why people think password managers are safe. Why are you confident that their owners are on the up and up?