Mortal Wombat

Except that wasn’t Bob’s arc at all.

Can someone explain this sentence to me?

You’re unsure?

Confused by this comment. Did you mean to say In-n-Out?

Eh, fast casual seems like a bullshit distinction. Especially for a survey like this. Shake Shack, McDonald’s, Chipotle, Popeyes, etc are all direct competitors as far as I’m concerned when I’m in the mood for one or the other.

Damn, I loved these as a kid.

I feel like the headline and piece lean too much into the jerk-is-innovative thing. I mean, there’s a long history of the protagonists of cartoons being dicks — e.g., Donald Duck, Popeye. Hell, Bugs Bunny was pure prankster-asshole.

I don’t know, seems about as genius as having slinky dog act like a dog and a slinky.

These are facts I’m happy to learn.

(Not meant as commentary, I just love this comic.)

“Love” would be awful strong, but damned if I don’t think “pocket flaaan” every time the topic of flan comes up.

Pudding pops were (American) chocolate pudding. Not jello.

Hoooooold on. Are you telling me Jello Pudding Pops aren’t a thing anymore? First my childhood is ruined by who Bill Cosby turned out to be, now you’re telling me the one good thing he brought us is no more?

“Hate yourself? Looking for a dry mouthful of sadness? Try Chex™ Mix!”

“Evendell Castle”? Why not just go with the actual castle? Unless this isn’t meant to be New York’s Central Park.

That would have made this a lot more interesting, but alas that was an autocorrect from “auto-pay”.

Someone fraudulently signed me up for Netflix, and it took me like a year to notice. My wife and I pay for everything by card — this one card — and there are a shit ton of entries each month. Somehow I didn’t notice the charge for months and months, until I noticed it.

Or simply stop doing it. Maybe roll it out again in a few months for fun. Then, who knows, Thanksgiving?

Corpse flowers are awesome though.

I enjoyed this. Stephanie, you’re cool.