Mortal Wombat

“other meat products”? Milk isn’t a meat product.

That feels like a long way to go to for egg whites. I always keep a carton of liquid whites in the fridge: just pour some into a teacup and zap it in the microwave to cook. Bam, protein hit in under a minute. Keep a mixture of salt and cayenne pepper in a little tub on the counter: bam two second sprinkle and the damn


Any airport ranking that doesn’t have LaGuardia down below the bottom of the list into at least the 3rd circle of hell is fundamentally and irreparably flawed.

You’re telling me that creamed spinach is great, but “a roasted brussels sprout always seems a bit basic, no matter how much you garnish it.”

“other meat products”? Milk isn’t a meat product.

Sure thing, Mr. “milk is meat and vegetarians r dumb” guy! You just keep on keeping on, and maybe someday someone will explain where milk comes from.

Please don’t.

Meh, a few weeks seems too early for a real review of whether these will change your life. Are you really going to stick with the charging regime? And never misplace one or both?

Meh, a few weeks seems too early for a real review of whether these will change your life. Are you really going to

“other meat products”? Milk isn’t a meat product.

Hah, quote fail. And yes, you caught me, kinja on my phone sometimes horribly munges my swyping, and I don’t always catch it.

It’s pretty good, pretty good, pretty good, then you get a burned or unpopped bit. Then it’s pretty good, pretty good, pretty good and then another burned or unpopped bit.

Huh, I was scanning this list for purposes of our Valentine’s tradition (ice cream cake, delivery pizza, nice bottle of wine and a comedy), figuring there must be a good comedy we’d missed — we don’t watch many movies.

Yes, beets are my jam!

Let me clarify: you’ve now cast aside your authority (“I’m a doctor”) in favor of interpreting someone else’s systems (“Mayo clinic says x”).

This appeal to authority worked better when you were basing it on bring a real doctor. Now that you’re bringing the Mayo clinic into it, you’ve got “healthy diet” which down not necessarily conform to your definition.

You don’t need to “eat healthy” or expensively to not overeat. You’re looking at the problem from entirely the wrong angle.

Not when he started, but he eventually got to something like that. I remember him speaking of having an epiphany — why am I willing to celebrate the cheap street food of foreign cultures for what it is, but not take the same open mind to American food? I think he made that statement in an episode (of which different

“other meat products”? Milk isn’t a meat product.

Your shit would at lats makesbe comprehensible if we’re talking about people getting pissed about, say, pork being cooked in the same oil as other meat.