Mortal Wombat

Don’t get pissy at me because you included an “other” you didn’t mean.

She’s cool.

“other meat products"? Milk isn't a meat product.

This is precisely my take on “animal style” and the other garbage aspects of In-N-Out.

F*** In-N-Out burger so hard, and their off menu specials, and mediocre burgers, and worse-than-mediocre fries.

The burger looks amazing.

“Think of it this way, sweetie pie: If you’ve got a guest coming over, wouldn’t you like to know if they’re going to be late?”

I’m sure I’m like the 100th nerd to point this out, but “Duel of the Fates” is the name of John Williams’s song for the Darth Maul fight/ Qui-Gon death scene in Phantom Menace.

Not sure how that’s relevant to Salty’s comment.

How is this not a question? Like, you’re implying that the answer is blindingly obvious. But I was honestly 50-50 on which way Salty was going to with it.

I use OT slightly less since I moved to NYC, but still use it quite frequently. It seems that there a few more boutique booking backend services here in NY than there are in most other places, but it’s still the market leader.

They’re so different though. I mean a crepe with maple syrup and a pat of butter holds no appeal.

Is this preferable?

Don’t let your stuff own you, man. I promise you that 5 years of no hand washing — saving you the time, hot water and detergent — would return you the $20 it would cost to replace it. Just throw it in the top rack on its side, alongside some glasses.

Exactly. Kinda hilarious to hear all these earnest suggestions on this thread about how the restaurant should be run.

As terrible as everyone is here, and as much as I hate the idea of more publicity for "Salt Bae", I really want to know the results the lab analysis. Consider this a cringing request to keep us updated on this story.

Yes, it was definitely Ailes.

I don’t see how there’s any question. It was clearly Ailes.

edit: eh, never mind

Nah, you’re wrong, and the two guys you’ve disagreed with are right.