Mortal Wombat

I think the secret is seeming much older than you actually are at your first big break (48 when TNG started).

Sounds good. At this point in my life, I’ve found I don’t generally enjoy sweet cocktails or peaty whiskey; bourbon+soda or Jameson neat are my go-to’s. But I have found that I like nice Scotch mixed into a sweet cocktail.

There it is.

Eh, since rebooted Will & Grace parodied it (Trucks for Tykes), didn’t feel so fresh. 

From a 2009 article criticizing nostalgia for Ghostbusters, was this comment that today reads as deadpan irony but at the time must’ve been sincere:

Wow, this comment did _not_ hold up.

Yeah, as great and memorable as Mr. T was, that Clubber character was disgustingly written.

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Absolutely. The running-on-the-dock shot in the training montage is so iconic, and purely a function of having the SteadiCam.

Well put, Breihan. You nailed it with this one.


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As a short Italian, I’ve gotta say Eddie’s verbal and physical impressions were dead-on. Classic stuff.

You nailed it, the different 70's vibe between the two (in movies).

Apollo still won, though.

I was surprised when I rewatched the original about five years ago about how fairly the Creed character is drawn.

Watched them as a kid (my dad was a big fan), and it ruined me for actual boxing. Watching two guys actually skilled at defending themselves in a boxing ring is waaaaay less fun than watching whatever it was they were doing in these movies.

I’m a big lover of Rocky, too. Had been bugging a friend of mine to watch it for years, and finally succeeded when she and her husband stayed the weekend with us a few weeks ago.

Agree about Rocky suffering from the legacy of the sequels.

Hmm, that’s a new word to me.

This is the incorrect take. It’s like saying an ankle sock is a shoe.

Exactly. There’s not some perfect taxonomy of food types, where “sandwich” defines a family over various genuses and species.