Mortal Wombat


This sounds really good. I love sweet corn, and we put it in a lot of dishes. I love it either uncooked, or lightly charred.

I’m still a fan of the dollar theater, even if it costs $2 now.

“nearly three-quarters of a grape’s total weight can come from sugars”

This sounds good. Basically, it sounds like a virgin bloody Mary made with clamato, consumed as a soup rather than a drink, with a bunch of shellfish marinated in.

Now playing

Surprising to me that Taco Bell doesn’t come in under a dollar for their basic hard taco. The only 59c pricing got so firmly imprinted on me in my high school days that I’m probably never going to let that pricing go.

I’m bad at wrapping, but can do a perfectly respectable job on a nicely-proportioned, rigid rectangular parallelepiped like this, as long as I don’t screw up the measuring and cutting off the paper beforehand.

And then they died.

Why would you your hot dog to be watery? 

Food words are not some perfect scientific taxonomy. There’s no kingdom-phylum-class-order-family-genus-species consisting of unique Latin names for all foodstuffs.

Counterpoint: No one calls them those things.

Exactly. Comparing the Impossible patty salt to unseasoned ground beef is silly. You’re definitely going to be adding salt to the meat before cooking or serving.

Impossible burgers have 90% to 95% of the protein of a meat burger, depending on which stats you’re looking at. If a regular Whopper is a source of easy, affordable protein, then an Impossible Whopper is too.

“Green Dippy Sauce"? Is that a thing, or your name for a thing?

A ketchup & yogurt-based sauce with mint? Your Indian places don’t have a mint chutney?

Sounds yummy. The mix of flavors reminds me of a gratin my wife makes — a little ramekin with cream cheease, topped with a sweet mixture of peppadews, apricot jam and jalapeno, charred under the broiler. It’s so yummy, even with the most basic dipping vehicle like wasa.

Barbeque” and “Bar-B-Que” are unacceptable spellings.

A guy from Houston? Writing about fast food?

What are you talking about? Ailoi is one of the classic Mediterranean condiments and flavor profiles.

No way. There’s no way to sufficiently dry the inside to be sure nothing grows, and given the shape and folds it’s not going to dry itself via evaporation.