Mortal Wombat

Man, these reactions are weird. Chuy’s in Texas (started in Austin, has slowly expanded over the last 30 years, now in other states too) has its “creamy jalapeno” dip, which is insanely good and insanely popular. It’s ranch mixed with jalapeno and tomatillos, and it’s pretty much the greatest thing ever.

Favorite part of my last trip to Vegas was beating TMNT with 3 buddies at the pinball museum.

Agree on all points. Except I don't like double burgers, either.

Such a fantastic name, and great ads. One of those phrases that runs through my head at the merest suggestion.

“Half a century” probably would’ve been the better wording.

Asa kid in Tampa, I remember visiting my Aunt’s condo that had a lot of part-time residents and time share vacationers.

“Is there a point here, beyond squeezing a few million more out of a tale that’s already been Broadway adapted and direct-to-video sequelized and prequelized?”

I’ve never heard of a Chiller, but that does make me remember ICEEs from my childhood, which were sold at my local Kmart (or something like that) in the early 80's. I remember my grandparents buying me one, and me being very disappointed with it in comparison to a Slurpee, for reasons I couldn’t begin to remember.

But it is good. It’s not like you char every square centimeter of leaf.

Slurpee suicide was always my go-to — just mix everything on offer in roughly even proportions.


“Grave Encounters:... The concept is very of the film’s early-2010s time, revolving around a cynical team of cable-TV ghost hunters confronted with undeniable evidence of a haunting that bends time and space at an abandoned psychiatric hospital.

To me they’re squarely in sandwich cookie territory. I can see interpreting the cookies as something else (cake, as in Kate’s snack cake comment?), but to me they’re just two big ol’ cookies together with a cream filling.

Bah, stroopwafel look fantastic but end up just tasting sweet. And they’re somehow unpleasantly chewy, which is weird.

Ok, let me paint you a picture: You’re at an office lunch meeting, and every one of the cookies chosen here is laid out before you in large quantities, and there’s also a huge variety tray of fresh-made cookies from the local deli or bakery or Jimmy John’s or American Cookie Co or wherever you order from that makes

Its a pretty solid way of saying these plastic giveaway toys are shite, please stop wasting our time.

“...allparties involved are calmly discussing...”

You clearly are missing the key points.

You’re not understanding my bucket analogy at all, nor are you understanding your own tub analogy.

Thanks for this, Kate. TakeOut has passed through some bad headlines in the past (but mostly for unimportant stuff). This ones important.