Mortal Wombat

Almost full of vermin droppings?

1. Honey Nut Cheerios

What’s messed up about wasting a few bucks because you don’t want to deal with leftovers?

Who are you to judge who’s wasteful?

“What I do find fascinating are the large number of knee-jerk reactions from people who can’t seem to recognize the fact that I’m not taking any of this particularly seriously.”

You’re nuts if you don’t think a cooked burger has gone through an “extreme level of physical transformation” from its starting point as a cow. First, a trained expert has chopped that cow up into constituent parts, and selected a few of them. Then they’ve recombined those selected parts in a meat grinder to make

I was going to say the same thing.

Buttered toast is half a sandwich?

Hey, you’re the one who described it as “such an extreme level of physical transformation they the bear almost no resemblance”.

such an extreme level of physical transformation that they bear almost zero resemblance”

You would* survive a BK employee wiping his ass with your burger before you ate it. Survival is not a relevant metric.

Christ, how is it that people are so brittle?

“More popular"?

“It’s ovah Donny. I have the high ground!”

I gotta think half of those were made up for just for the guide, but damned if they don’t all (but about 2) look super tasty.

For me it’s the old MK1 TV ad, but basically the same thing.

I agree. I think the hidden opportunity is to cut out as many rules as possible. Sure, even if it changes the game significantly.

Well yes, if someone reneges on a deal, you’re at risk of losing money. And they do run that risk by accepting phone orders. Just like they run that risk in serving a meal in-house to a customer, paying on delivery for products, etc.

Well played, sir.

I’ve slowly come to the realization that if I’m going to continue enjoying sports, I’m going to have to close my eyes to the whole refereeing situation.