Mortal Wombat

I’m replying to the guy who said:

I’m sorry, but that headline and graphic had me anticipating something much, much more ambitious than a set of sausages with toppings inspired by the flavors of other dishes (well, 5 dishes and 1 liqueur).

I was literally expecting a pizza run through the grinder into some sort of casing and then grilled and dropped on

You ended up stuck somewhere between parody and actual rant. You can do better.

So the restaurants have created a situation whereby any jagoff can call them up and engage then in a transaction where the restaurant loses money?

Hey, the UK isn’t completely bereft of acceptable, quick, cheap eats. A Boots triangle sandwich is perfectly serviceable, and miles better than anything you can get at a midwest gas station.

Can you even distinguish between west-east / east-west when you’re going almost exactly halfway around the world? That seems really unlikely. The trip that has the greatest east-west difference is one that covers 6 time zones.

I may have missed it, but I don’t see this article saying it was set in 1998. It says Mary Ann moved to SF in 1978, and this has her coming back after 20 years of being away. The unknown (to me) variable on that equation is how long she lived in SF before moving away.

Yeah, you had me at the headline. I bet that little hit of salt just _perfects_ these MFs.

I’d be in for Young Shelldon, origin story of SB’s pet scallop Shelly.

Wesa goen underwater, okyday?

Daniel Dae Kim.

Plus two stripes.

Thanks, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

I’m sad we didn’t get his take on Little Caesar’s when he mentioned chains.

Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. (Although I have to admit have recency bias in my selection of biggest disappointment, as this was on Wednesday”.

You misread Colburn’s discussion of “low stakes” — he was still describing his day, he hadn’t moved into discussing the movie at all yet.


Counterpoint: I loved it.