Mortal Wombat

They’re real, and there can be an absolute shit ton of them, but they’re only problematic to your car. Or maybe your pants, if you’re not watching while you’re sitting down.

Pretty sure the number of distinct items on a McDonald’s menu has more than double since I was kid. Probably tripled.

Now I’m picturing a Gundam made of pizza.

I soooo want them to do Chernobyl.

Could be. But if so, they’re playing a _really_ long game with it.

No, you’ve got it backwards.

Screw that noise.

You’re attempting to treat language as if governed by the laws of mathematics or logic.

Is AV Club covering Chernobyl? It’s easily been the best thing on HBO the last two weeks, because it’s that good. Seriously, y’all should watch it, it’s that good. (Took me about an episode to get over the “Russians talking with British accents” thing, because I’m American and so I’m used to a British accent being

That sounds like a case of the number of restaurants keeping up with an increase in demand. Should be a transient problem.

Yes, let’s make the drive thru solely the province of lone individuals driving full size vehicles buying exactly one meal for themselves.

No doubt.

I can hear it!

I think the last two-thirds of this ep would actually make a great flash-forward prologue to the whole show.


Your keywording on this article is awesome.

How is it that everyone misread the letter? .

That’s right. Words have meanings, all of which were assigned by G_d on the date that your first elementary school dictionary was published.

So you don’t regularly use a motor vehicle? You’re subway, ped, bicycle all the way? Nice, I like that.