Mortal Wombat

You know who kill more American children every year than anyone else? More than drug dealers, more than gun sellers, more than criminals?

“Almond milk is no more milk than any of these creations are ketchup. But what’s so horribleabout having ‘almond juice’ or ‘bananasauce?’ Just call it what it is.”

Americans have never been afraid of umami.

Why would you not want to be underwater? The risk there is to the lender, not the borrower.

You just added 1% to the price of your car to buy that insurance. If you think you need that insurance, then do it, but that’s certainly not the smart move for everyone.

You do realize that the pizza cutter is like the scissors in this illustration, right, and not the knife?

Your physics is simply terrible.

Felt very of its time to me.

If you don’t think there’s an element of decision to it, you’re an idiot. The broader acceptance of sexuality as a spectrum and gender as a spectrum have really only begun in this country, and a long ways off from where we’re ultimately going to land. For many people, proclaiming themselves as simply “straight” or

10 minutes to get to Penn technically conceding he was fooled because the guy did a good job of pushing a lowered bar for the idea of “fooling” in his setup? And then three more videos to watch? No thanks.

I saw it in the theater too, and was okay with it. I thought the action scenes in Earth we mostly incomprehensible and the protagonist kid was just terrible either way.

And seriously, all these badass heroes wouldn’t sacrifice themselves to fix the situation? Good guys had the gauntlet for a long time before Thanks got near it, and they decided to okay rugby with it rather than get rid of the invading force?.

What’s the joke?

Porque no los dos?

How are bother-sister dynamics even remotely in the purview of a column of advice from waitstaff?

Your reading of the dialogue is nonsense. Varys’s lines — ”Yes, because he’s a man. Cocks are important I’m afraid.” — most definitely relate to the line that directly preceded them “And he’s the heir to the throne.”


Having watched it twice and pulled the dialogue, that’s very much not what Varys said. Not at all. Read it again.

Male preference primogeniture isn’t male-only primogeniture. The UK practiced MPP for centuries (they changed the rules to gender-blind primogeniture in 2011, but that law of course has never been used).

That’s not what Varys is saying. Re-read the dialogue I quoted. He starts with comment that a man is more likely to be accepted, and responds to Tyrion’s comment that Jon is the heir with “because he is a man”. Tyrion was disputing Varys’s argument as to why a man would be a better choice, and stating the legal