Mortal Wombat

Yeah, I saw it in the theater too. The stuff down on Earth was bad, with the big action scenes mostly incomprehensible and the lead kid just terrible in every way.

Wait, does primogeniture in Westeros use something other than “normal” British rules? Or was the writing sloppy in the Varys-Tyrion discussion?

Not to mention that a quick hug-and-jump by Missandei could’ve taken care of the whole Cersei problem for Team Dany.

It isn't aware of the DQ, either.

Wait, I don’t know how old you are, but I’m pretty sure they had running water in England even “many years ago”.

Totally my question. How could that possibly pass code — even Salty’s alternative of “using that bread for breadcrumbs”.

Norm’s complete inability to act actually works in that sketch.

This headline needs a lot of work.

I don’t think anyone takes issue with that, then. Just your phrasing from earlier made it sound like you were in such a time crunch that you were eating it in the theater

That would match with my experience. Tried to go see Schinder’s list with my some friends from English class senior year of high school. Some of us were 17, some were 16.

Thats, what, 5000 calories worth of M&Ms?

You’re bringing leftovers that you have no choice but to eat? I’m confused.

Where’s a good Cuban sandwich in NYC? I’ve been here a year. I tried Sophie’s once, because I ride by it every day as I bike home from work.

And it’s a great way to wring a cup of grease out of the cheese.

It was implied.

Do not bring Cincinnati chili into this. Call it Cincinnati meat pasta or whatever you want if the “chili” part of the name offends you.

I’m... going to chalk it up to the writing, and not the taste.

My dad got a Monte Cristo every time we went to Bennigan’s. Which was not an insubstantial number of times.

Who are you people who think “Cubano” is a synonym for “Cuban sandwich”? If you’re an English speaker, a “Cubano” is a cigar. If you’re a Spanish speaker “Cubano” is someone from Cuba.

This looks good. There was a lot I enjoyed about Detroiters, but when it was bad it would just keep going and going and getting worse. And it didn’t tell any interesting stories.