Mortal Wombat

Yes. And in some mail clients / newsreaders, they would stack. E.g. in a reply to a reply to a reply of a message, each line of the original message would be offset with >>>.
It worked okay, but once stuff started wrapping at unintended points, it would get ugly to read.

More valuable than coal.

Get the funk up.

It's a fresh Batdance.
Wild Wild West : Fresh Prince :: Batdance : Prince
Simple logic.

Did anyone else wince when Cameron put the floppy disk flat on top of the external drive? "Noooo, that disk will get wiped!!!!"

How about him actually screwing that potential investor's (forget her character name - Jean Smart) gay boyfriend? She was a jerk, but that one felt like a dick move to both her and the boyfriend.

No wait. "Lick bin ein Berliner". ah, dammit.

Sie ist ein Berliner.

Joe's mainframes hosing Mutiny doesn't make any sense to me. His whole idea was to rent out the processing power from the 16 hours/day the mainframes are idle. Mutiny's going to need it 24/7 — so now from the getgo, Joe's going to be stealing prime daytime cycles?

Are they a local BBS company? I didn't get online until Prodigy in, say, 1990, so I really don't know. But they seem like the opposite of a BBS to me - writing their own games, serving those games for real-time multiplayer, and just now (after a couple years of serving games) do they seem to be cottoning to the idea

At risk of repeating myself from upthread, Cardif (Compaq) actually _did_ go somewhere. By the mid-90's, producing more PCs than anyone else, and with a market cap much larger than Apple's. I mean, they weren't Microsoft, but they were a big, big winner. Writers didn't want to pursue that, I guess it seemed boring

But… they could have told the story of guys who changed the landscape. I mean, this was loosely based on the story of Compaq. Compaq came from nothing with its replication of the IBM BIOS and its usable portable.

In a show so fantastic, it takes me out of the fantasy that that whole episode spun on something so mundane as tricking Wells into admitting he's a murderer. I mean, this ain't the Wire. I'm pretty sure Cisco could 'invent' a clip of Wells admitting to the murder of Barry's mom.. and Hae Min Lee and Biggie just for

But Wells didn't camp out there the rest of the episode. Barry went in and out of the vault at will. There were plenty of opportunities to go back.

So Barry has complete, unfettered access to Reverse Flash's supercomputer, so the gang decides to dig out more info on RF by entering Cisco's dreams? Seriously, did I miss something?

Hmm, I thought the show was beating me over the head with symbolism here, but not of the 'died because it ran', or the 'how you can’t run free in this world forever' (as the reviewer put it) variety.

It worked for me. They were all simultaneously in places where their surface feelings were that Rudd had fucked up their lives, but knew deep down that it was their own faults (or at least in the case of married sister, not Rudd's fault). They were all pissed at Rudd at the same time, and ganged up on him in a passive

I can see that reaction, and was pretty much where I started with the movie given how terrible the girlfriend was. But then it was pretty much even — Adam Scott and Steve Coogan were roughly as bad as the sisters, whereas Rashida Jones was wonderful. Then with a little effort and realization, the sisters and Adam

"Bunching around his neck"?
I think the only prosthetic is the scar and bald cap. And maybe the lips.

There just wasn't clarity. "Slave camp"? Noah seemed to spend more time chatting than running the washing machine (not a bad chore, at that). Beth just hung out and shot the shit with the doctor, except for a little unwitting murder via syringe.