Mortal Wombat

@avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus I think Milton was meant to be credible. He had a good explanation for Michonne's walkers (cutting off jaws and arms removes their ability to feed, and then they lose interest in feeding and become docile). Watching zombies waste away from malnutrition was something he

No, I think the zombies feed for sustenance. Last season, Milton told the Governor  that Michonne's gimps were starving, just much slower than we would. And this episode, the dirty lady said Eddie-in-the-bag was getting less active because he hadn't been reading.

That annoyed me. I was re-watching the marathon over the weekend, and thinking how your sense of hearing is just one thing you couldn't give up in the zombie apocalypse. (E.g., you need to know ASAP if those fuckers have finally crashed through that fence). So you just can't risk using your iPod, even if you got it

@Piecar That's Rick's doing. He's worried about what Carl is turning into after killing that guy at end of S3, and is deliberately encouraging Carl to be child-like and a "normal" kid.

Except the part where a walker bit Zack from under the display case they had just rescued Bob from. That walker had to be basically snuggled up against Bob in order to get to Zack so immediately.

@avclub-21c3134ee5edcb618c4f9aae358d73a7:disqus I think that's Cutty's sister.

Yeah, I'm not sure the physics quite worked there.

Those soft kids all went from Woodbury straight to the camp. Woodbury seemed like a pretty idyllic place, and had been for a while. I think their characters are reasonable.

I think that wasn't shit, and it's called vomiting.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus Yeah, either Carol's in full pursuit mode, or they're together. I thought it was the latter. And a touch of irony when Daryl bitched about Beth/Zack as being "a damn romance novel".

Maybe the venison treat.

That piece at the big traffic jam? Was that first half of S2E1? That was absolutely fantastic. Had everything I'm looking for.

Yeah, but after a while — just really, really dirty. My stupid need for explanations has already built a whole backstory for why she was so dirty. Eddy had clearly been a walker a long time. She said Eddy had done all the walker killing. So she'd been living alone for a while but had never killed any walkers. QED, she

No no. Zombie Potter.

Yes, but until the introduction of “movers”, I thought the grainy, sepia-monochrome footage and style of narration was a cute bit that made sense given the technological era they’re in. But now it's just a non-sequitur, because the show was doing that before moving pictures were even invented in-universe.

After thinking about this more, I've decided focusing on Korra is kinda as if we had a show focused on Zuko for the few years of his life predating season 1 of AtLA through, say, the end of season 1. (Could be off on my timeline there.)

So here's one thing that's been bugging me. Varrick's people have just invented moving pictures (I like Bolin calling them "movers", BTW. Just as reasonable a nickname as "movies".) Yet they've been using this "old newsreel" look and sound for the recap at the beginning of the episodes. Meaning that they've been using

"At least they're trying new things" is just about the best one can say for it, and that's unbelievably faint praise. LoK has none of the elements that drew me in to AtLA and none of the elements that kept me watching it.

That's how I heard it too. So I rewound and put on captioning, and the CC said "get a real job". I assume they're working from the script so I assume it's correct, but that's a lot of assumptions on my part.

@avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus Farnsworth said "It should rip us out of stasis, back to the instant before I conceived of the Time Button." So it's open-ended; we don't know when he first came up with the idea.