Mortal Wombat

I don't think "dicks" makes sense as a characterization for any wild animal, but your last line was great.

If you're talking about the statue's eyes lighting up when Korra opened the spirit portal, that was Jinorra, not Ikki. I'm sure they'll be coming back to that point as the spirits part of the plotline progresses.

The point about Katara's parents makes me wonder if Bumi could have some air bending kids.

I've mentioned this before, but I think there's a possibility that someone staged a grisly murder at Walt's house (with the "Heisenberg" in spray paint a part of the charade).


I could see it as a combination of confusion/terror/shock. Let's say the story was that right next door your neighbor was brutally murdered by the nastiest drug dealers in ABQ. Then you see that neighbor outside his house 10 months later. You might drop some shit, too.

My question is why they left her alone. They didn't trust her (blindfold) some bad shit started going down, and Declan basically said: "You hang out in this nice little pod while I go take care of a disturbance that is obviously unrelated to your presence." Is Declan that much of a dumb shit? That when "trouble"

Well, what he bought were 6 separate pick 3 tickets. So I think he's looking at a cool $500 or so if one of them hits.

I disagree. Hank couldn't be certain that Walt ordered those prison murders. Walt had the opportunity to spin some story that implicated himself as genius meth cook but put all the really bad stuff on someone else (Declan, whoever).

Yeah, seemed pretty clear to me that he was taking Marie's advice and going to the DEA with what he has on Walt. It's not yet clear to me whether the Pinkman interview means he's canceling his meeting and going back to the lone wolf approach.
If it happens that Hank goes lone wolf, it blows up in his face, and then he

I think the key thing is that it's totally plausible for _Hank_ to think that Hank will get fired.

My wild theory is that the "Heisenberg" graffiti is a bit of a false clue for us viewers. I think Walt stages something where it appears he and his family have been brutally murdered, and "Heisenberg" takes credit for doing so by tagging his house. His neighbor is surprised to see him because she thinks the whole

Yeah, or if you're in a real hurry, just mail it to yourself, with some sort of human-scale encryption: e.g. multiply everything by two and string the coordinates together backwards. With no context, they're probably not gonna guess it's coordinates. And if they do, the (weak) encryption would send them on enough wild

Felt like things fell into place way too easily for Lydia at Declan's cook. Some guy offscreen says "there's trouble up here" or something and Declan just climbs out of the hole, leaving Lydia completely safe and out of the line of fire. Declan's guys had gone through the trouble to blindfold her, why did they trust

Putting aside the absurdity of it raining all the way up to the freakin' edge of the Dome, I couldn't help but be grossed out a bit. It reminds me too much of college, where my neighbor threw absurd parties — nearly 100 people crammed into 200 square feet of dorm room, dancing our asses off in Houston in September. So

So does anyone else hear the title voiced by Sebastian the lobster, backed up by a little saucy steel-drum calypso?

@avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus There was a great, and prescient, feature on that phenomenon in these very pages, back in 1997:…

December 1981, in fact. 
That is, assuming they're the historical timeline exactly. Here's the Reagan Poland speech that Phillip caught on TV in New York — http://www.reagan.utexas.ed…
 . It's from December 23, 1981. In particular, the show used the paragraph with "For our freedom and yours'', although they edited out

I think he was. Just a little something in that scene made me think "F, she didn't say what she was doing when Kennedy was shot. And he noticed".

I'm late to this party, but catching up. Allow me to shout into the wind for a few minutes: