
“The fact was that conditions of labor, soil, and climate had produced a static society in the South which refused to accept the implications of the Nineteenth Century.”

“Tunic and tonic”?

Mmmmm.... delicious cottony gin. I’ll have a tunic and tonic, bartender!

Look, nobody else was available! They asked around. Everyone else was too busy being free to do the slavery.

I can’t even participate in the “He looks like...” because there are too many things he looks like he (and almost definitely actually) does in real life. Does he jump on people and tell them we live in a Republic? You fucking know it. Start every conversation insisting that he’s not a racist? Yup. Say women have it

I'll also take "does not shower at the gym so he can walk around all day having just come from the gym."

I think the running for president question is misleading. Like if I actually had to do real, honest campaigning (like the data driven, bland ass shit Hilary did) I’d kill myself within the hour. But if I got to run and govern like Trump (just say and do what the fuck ever?!), easy.

While we’re tenderizing you, please change your avatar. For some reason, when I glance at it, it appears like the Ottawa Senators logo, and casts your posts in a bad light.

This needs more stars. +1

There are worse things to be on the news for than “DIPPED CHICKEN FINGER IN COKE.”

I came for this and here is your star.

Keep in mind we are just one Mo Williams tackle and the Red Sox acquiring a failed power hitter out of Minnesota, removed from Bill Simmons turning into the second coming of the BTK Killer.

Important distinction. Outside of Milwaukee (like, immediately outside) you’re talking about a lot of extremely affluent, extremely white suburbs that would love nothing better than to put up a big fat wall around Milwaukee itself and turn it into District 9.

Footprints in The Sand by Hollow Log

To Barry’s credit, this is by far the worst season in the history of the franchise, so he was at least right about that.

I assume these letters are all from people who were certain Vegas would beast the NHL.

There’s this whole article up above these comments that you should maybe read