
i will never forget, SPIN named Nevermind the #2 album of 1991, and Bandwagonesque #1. 25 years later and they nailed it.

“prefrontal phlebotomy!”

Spastik Children were great on MTV in the mid-1980's

this deserves all the stars

“How do you like me now?” - Scott Walker

DEADSPIN: came for the Magary, stayed for the Burneko. i greatly enjoy almost everything you’ve posted here, but this might be your self-effacing best. selfishly, i beg you: please keep up the great work.

bill simmons is awful. the worst.

gotta stay fly

“cool?” absolutely not.

hockey games in Detroit, and that’s it.

i wanted to get a coonhound but my wife said they run away. is she right?

what is the best kind of mutt, i.e., not purebred dog? i say aussie mix, my wife comes down on the side of lab/collie (aka “borador,” which is stupid and sounds like it belongs in middle earth).

saw the headline and the accompanying pic and thought, yes, Harbaugh is the craziest, of course, but i’m going to vote for somebody else - anybody else - because FUCK HIM and FUCK MICHIGAN. i’m not going to feed that ego.

YESSS Littbarski was my hero in the 80's! i loved Platini too, but mostly because his name was on my cleats (aka “boots,” idk, we called ‘em cleats).

I have long thought that the NFL will one day fold without the Lions ever having won a Super Bowl. But lord have mercy on the city of Detroit if the Lions ever do win one - that town will burn itself down.