Iron Marla

Neither unpopular, nor enormously ‘hot’. That said, from the other side:

These changes are live now.

Not true.

We got a heads-up about this today; the 28th or the 1st, there’ll be a patch that eliminates dead stats and breaks things into categories so you -always- get some kind of throughput/survivability on every item, and can’t roll 4x 250% damage godrolls that mean you can never use another gun.

I came here prepared to complain if ‘sexy’ didn’t make it into this article.  Good on you!


I have a hard time doing the math on this. I played a lot of things when I was young that were punishingly difficult, but having grown up, I can clear most of that stuff without so much as a ten-BPM heart rate jump.

Ft. Tarsis movement was addressed on Twitter by one of the devs; he says that they had some streaming issues with the demo build and disabled in-city sprint.

They surely do.

How much of the alpha did you play?

One could just shore this up into ‘Battle Royale modes aren’t great’ and the article would still be perfectly applicable.

Where there are humans, this happens. Doesn’t matter where.

Yeah, it really is.

‘That doesn’t happen in my society’ is willful ignorance at best, and usually much worse.

That’s the point, though: we’re pretty shitty, panicky animals sometimes, and it’s very common to lean on that -extremely- hard and point at a group too small to effectively protest and say ‘it’s their fault!’.

Tracer’s partner is also a lady? That’s just the first thing that pops up, I feel certain other examples exist.

Why’s that?

It’s always been a thing, it’s just that it’s a vast majority and, in essence, ‘undefined’.