
Likely not! Wool naturally repels odors, and are lined with sheepskin. Still silly to do.

Swore at BMW engineers every time I touched their ridiculous joystick shifter for a week straight when I was borrowing one. It is, as someone else wrote, the answer to a question no one was asking. I know automatic transmissions don’t need shifters to physically change positions anymore, but it is very helpful to the

Also known as 'How Wes Siler walks his dog'.

Definitely developed under Ford ownership, but what engine was rebranded to become the AJ-V8? Kinda looks like the other way around-years after the development, Ford used some AJ-V8s in non-Jag cars.

From what I hear, that actually made the engine more reliable! But yeah, I have the 4.2L AJ-V8 supercharged engine, and have had to replace all the coolant hoses and the overflow bottle. My favourite feature is the rear marking lights, which actually destroy themselves over time!

I Pissed Off Thousands Of British People By Making Fun of The Land Rover Defender

Yeah, buy new cars that depreciate really fast, like a real American!

I’ve been asked if my XJR is reliable. I want to say yes, but then I start thinking of all the repairs needed and the tiny amount I drive, and say ‘it isn’t quite as bad as you think...’

Well crap. Big loss for Jalopnik, but you have earned whatever next steps/job you are taking. Thanks for excellent writing Mr Rogoway.

It’s all good here at Jalopnik.

Facial hair is the most feasible part of your face to control. Grow it out until you look like a black ZZ top member. Then buy the Caddzilla, because they are beautiful.

Dude, turn your screen off greyscale. That's just embarrassing! :-)

Do you remember old cloth seats? They were horrible. New stuff is alright, but the old velour/mouse fur...oh god...

I actually saw a Hercules once! Did a triple take at the engine and scrambled to figure out what it was.

And apparently it’s so warm that you think coolant is just water :-) would you get coolant mixed in the oil of an air cooled engine?

Some of the finest Jalopniking I've read in years.

Meh, I’d assume you use a air surround burner to shield the metal and you are set. A halfway decent alloy should hold up to the strain, evem back then. Or maybe not, maybe they all cracked and creeped under operation!

Impressive (or terrifying) when you compare it to other gas turbines, less so when you compare it to piston engines that nuke themselves when run at steady, sustained max power.