
So Biomutant may/ should/ will? beat out Metroid on switch for the race to see which one of the good ol’ amazon 20% preorders can stay active the longest.

Because its an AOC monitor ...get it!?!
 (slaps knee square off leg)

Because its an AOC monitor ...get it!?!
 (slaps knee square off leg)

Any old Pud can look up a box score and make wild assumptions about who what where and why it all went down the way it did. It takes a true brains to realize that stress eating warheads is actually worse than getting hit by a bus.

It looks like Baker mayfield practicing getting sacked?

What about the wind ?

The Knicks are in hyper can’tfigure it out mode. And the only time that worked was when they were smack dab in the middle of so many repeated changes... the players miraculously clicked ( also reached their peak bc they could not beat that pacers team in a series). Instead of defense and rebounding , Dolan saw what

Lol-Sanchez didn’t argue, he just has 0 hustle

See here’s the thing: baseball has a level of solitude that one never even has to stand more than a foot close to their opponent. I can assume everybody writes these unwritten things alone at night as some sort of ballplayer manifesto.

used to be a pimp now he’s hoinfodaman

Now playing

Where are all the stupid people from? And how’d they get to be so dumb?

I mean that seems like a pretty good price to get fucked by a dolphin.... 

+1 The rhythm is going to get you

...and that’s the meaning of baseball, Charlie Brown

This is why I just pop off in the the air multiple times inside a closed garage when I’m in a heated dispute with my significant other.

Counterpoint: Bending and breaking the rules is awesome. Don’t be such a stiff.

A horse is always a horse of course, unless your horse is a doping horse ...

It’s alright we told him what to dream. 

Nobody can make me believe there are 5 better hitters on this team”-Reds announcer.

Next the Genesis X-men games PLEASEEEEEEE!!!!!!:) (Just so I can get Xmen 2) and rage quit at or around apocolypse in 1 :) 

Its a good thing his shoes lace themselves