big gorilla wolf motherfuckers

why doesn't todd post here anymore?

we probably crapped on vox too much because it's a terrible website

I don't read or buy big two anymore but I enjoyed patsy walker back when she was a thing


Thor reminds me more of the Masters of the Universe movie than Hercules in New York. for my money all three movies are crap, with MotU winning out for the brilliance of whatever the hell frank langella is doing.

alright I have toooo much to get done and all I'm doing is refreshing this page so I'm gonna bail. see you when we switch reviews!

I was at best buy half an hour before opening to grab them. they only had EIGHT so I'm glad I went, but at the same time I AM PART OF THE AMIIBO PROBLEM

I dunno if my avatar gives what I'm about to say away, but it doesn't hold a candle to (the fairly similar in quite a few ways) ATTACK THE BLOCK. I still like Super 8 (the train crash scene is *INSANE*), but the monster has almost nothing to do with the story and oh my god for real did they really have the only girl

there is also the COMPLETELY UTTERLY CRAZY 9/11 truther bob-orci-ness of it. oh my god are those some ugly parallels

ben pulling a shotgun out from his piano bench is maybe my favourite thing that happened in the entire series

that and the constant. jeeeeesus. (let's throw shape of things to come in there too, though I can't remember if that one was them? are we just ranking lost episodes again?)

thoroughly modern millie, fuck off I know it doesn't count

not really aiming to start a fight (though threads like this can do that here it seems) but I think I would have no problem arguing the two-part LOST pilot is jj abrams' best film. (I like trek 2009 a lot, but nobody can argue the Lost pilot is pissing all over its own legacy like I've seen some people argue trek does)

Aurum Island is MY JAM

I wish it had a face so I could punch it in the balls

I have a feeling you can come up with way more than 10. Like, all of them

I will basically fight to the death in defense of speed racer as their very best film