big gorilla wolf motherfuckers

all that matters is calgary lost and I get to sleep

hey my girlfriend and I got a bigger apartment! we move in june 30 so I only gotta spend another month in this CRAPHOLE

I weigh 20 pounds. nothing else fits

they're just making the joke before any of us can beat them to it. bastards


oh what this one got an A? I guess I can try a little harder to remember to watch it

I needed to change it up!



thanks! yeah normally I'm pretty intent on keeping everything within borders just for optimal readability, but that one really was the best possible way to get that information across. I'm glad I did it but nothing else I've thumbnailed approaches anything quite like it

are we moving or what (hey I beat randy to it!)

hi guys and dolls! disappeared for a few days to try to buckle down and get some comic stuff done and I have hit a PRETTY GREAT PACE WITHOUT YOU, gotta say. I'll try to be around more than I have been but I never realized how much this and twitter cut into my potential output.

we are doing god's work

ha, I almost linked this the other day because I agree with every single point (apart from avengers 1 being a good movie.) glad I didn't! coulda shaped up worse than that time I thought Dark Knight Rises looked boring and got DEATH THREATS

got a whole WHACK of stuff to do so if anyone wants to make some kind of conversation for me to come back to in an hour or two, uhhhhgoforit

jesus, that composition utterly falls apart. terrible.

going to work so I couldn't really add to it today, but here's part of a page I finished in a couple hours the other day (which is INSANELY fast for stupid slow me)

tuesday is always such a dead-end night for me in terms of art output so maybe tomorrow night will be better. going to bed annoyed and disappointed in myself WHATEVERRR (at least I figured out how to approach a character I've been completely stumped on for over a year, wowie)