big gorilla wolf motherfuckers

oh fuck you

matching VFD tattoos with my brother late this month, apparently ankles are especially painful, fuck me

japanese peace lily

we've just slept through new years since 2012

Ed is one of my favourite movies. the first half hour didn't grab me but it gets absolutely fucking insane after that point, lots of monkey farts, good movie

I like valentines day. my girlfriend and I just buy each other something of identical value (usually a game or something) that we would've bought for ourselves anyway.

watched like 500 episodes of myth hunters while I made comics about mermaids. I don't think this show is very good but I have seen most of it so I guess I just have no taste

having a weird kinda lonely night. didn't watch the superbowl I'm an artist I don't get sports

I live in calgary and walking to work some days can be pretty nightmarish when it's ALBERTA enough. less bears but I mean that wasn't a real bear so my life is probably harder

watch this become my favourite coen brothers movie and I end up being THAT GUY who's always like "no yeah I unironically consider hail caesar to be my favourite thing they've ever done" ugh future me is gonna get in so many uncomfortable arguments at future parties. I'd better just never see this

I'm doing a lot better tonight, thanks for the emergency support. hope you're all okay too!

unfortunately I'm already splitting it in half and into quarters is unfeasible (I can't do a smaller dosage because it's not a cheap drug [and buying a higher dosage but cutting it also cuts cost in half], plus it leads into sleep problems if I take it later). ultimately things are fine, just a frustrating reminder of

I got in pretty early and yet still too late

depression sucks so fucking much (I'm fine)

there are probably better places to post this, but around 10pm almost every night as my antidepressant wears off I find myself feeling numb and sad for up to a few hours. I just sat and cried for 20 minutes without really being upset, just exhausted and detached.

oh boy is this one joke going to get tiresome


because I'm not letting myself post it elsewhere til launch, here is a pretty NSFW cover I drew for a comic series I'm doing with my very good friend and amazing illustrator lyndsay simpson shh don't tell anyone (not that it matters much). art for issue one is about half done and we should start posting mid february

I've looong lamented the flippant coverage of 'beforel orel' because I would LOVE to see moral orel classic reviews (as would quite a few people on this site I am sure)