worst: all of them, art included (I was such a perfectionist I wound up failing - I don't think I handed more than 2 projects in all year)
dipping sauce: a few years ago it would've been ranch, might still be, I don't dip a whole lot now
woody allen: antz, when he's an ant
moreso than in most cartoons.
I added a year when they announced it so right on schedule in my eyes!
yup! that and that jokey 80s style cover are what sold me on it. cannot WAIT
there are parts of the internet where I wouldn't be sure if this exchange was satirical
I love how this is just about EXCLUSIVE to north america.
your MOM is problematic. and yes
finding both of these posts preeeetty problematic
I'm scared to voice my frustration with 'problematic' publicly because there are circles that will absolutely eviscerate you for taking any issue with it at all. YIKES
isis is fairly problematic imo
I hate it. it's such a weak word and ends up muddying the seriousness of issues if both the KKK and, I don't know, nail polish are falling under the same umbrella term. if something is racist, call it racist etc
I BARELY remember quantum, but I love all the stuff in casino where he takes on five guys and doesn't do particularly well for himself (stairwell scene is probably the primary example but it's been a while and I'm sure there are others)
ooh, GOOOD call. I kinda forgot bond is one of the few megafranchises still capable of pulling sneaky shit like that.
yeah, it's hard to put into words why I'm more into dalton's vibes than craig's - I would have to do some self-reflecting there I guess. maybe because he was working overtime to distance himself from moore, while craig is simultaneously trying to do throwback and realism mode? if I had to rank them I would probably…
I admit to being slightly biased, but god do I ever love the living daylights