it DOES have giant sand boobs going for it, I guess
it DOES have giant sand boobs going for it, I guess
some really great visual gags too, bond buttoning up his cufflink after jumping from an exploding train is exactly what I like to see in these movies. most of everything else nnnnot so much
it had parkour back when parkour was par-cool!
I can't even think about skyfall without getting angry, but casino is pretty good. quantum is one of the dullest movies I've seen in the theatre, so this new one could really go any direction at all
"antman's gonna be great!"
I feel like the only casting more obvious than waltz would be mike myers
eating gives me massive anxiety and while I'm somewhat open to trying new things, it's not the easiest when even food you like isn't a whole lot of fun to eat. not totally sure how universal that is, though
I don't like it in the comics the films are based on either. CONTINUITY RUINS EVERYTHING
I like you a lot.
at this point it's pretty much the only way to get me to buy something. the big two's 'house styles' are really hard for me to get behind (though that's kind of a loaded restrictive statement)
the story is rocky as hell but seth fisher's art friggin rules in f4/iron man BIG IN JAPAN. fisher died waaaay too young.
I want to order art books but I shouldn't really be buying art books right now and oh boy life is hard.
I am happy
thumbs up thumbs up thumbs the fuck up
I think it's more that EVERYBODY betrayed him, he's fed up with this werold.
I finished an album cover today! I don't think I'm supposed to share it anywhere yet so I'm posting it here
Smash 4 is like, 90% kid icarus shit so I don't mind not getting another game. plus, uprising is conclusive/PACKED as hell, but yeah- where the hell is my palutena figure, get it together nintendo
my bearded dragon just delivered his weight in diarrhea, which sounds disgusting, but that's only because it is disgusting.
POSSIBLY favourite line in the game
that is so harsh and terrible in a way I didn't expect, but in retrospect, am in no way surprised by