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Can’t bring up Billy Squier without discussing the video that ruined him for the MTV generation.


How do you think telling someone else they are wasting vote comes off as? You are proving ops very point. And my experience, at least with gawker media sites, was that most of the Hillary supporters were hostile. I am sorry if third voter was hotile or rude to you, that is not fair to you or helpful.

More alienating, shaming language. This is why we lost.

Oh, Jezzies. Don’t you think your (and other Clinton supporters’) tactic of shaming and being condescending towards third party voters had something to do with them not “falling in line” with what you wanted them to do? It’s understandable to be angry and frustrated, but shaming and condescension is not effective,

As a Liberal who is mad as hell I totally agree with you. Blaming people isn’t going to help. Those that messed up know they did, alienating them will not get the mess cleaned up. It’s fine to be angry but get angry at the right people. Trumps actual supporters & a stupid electoral system that gave someone without

Or you know, it might be better to try to persuade people to vote your way instead of trying to constantly shame people. After this election, liberals seem to have a longer enemies list than Trump and Nixon combined.

I live in the area and based on all available facts in local news and by people associated with the case (including her own confession), she did make it up. And the local Muslim community is upset with her too since it detracts from real hate crimes which are not exactly rare in Louisiana. This is a really lousy and

Still have a reasonably good chance because they will still be in their CCG. But they are not the nation’s best team.

In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many

and the fact that teal, one of the best uniform colors and one deserving of a starring role, is only a minor accent to an already-busy dark gray and red combo.

It’s especially pointless because they won’t hear it and think “man, did we sound like that?” They hear it without any memory or introspection of what their side has said. Then we’re just hypocrites. They are also louder and more experienced at this shit.

Oh I don’t disagree. I just hope against hope. I feel like things will return to normal and the media and Hollywood will treat him just like any other president.

This is why I’m not about #notmypresident I don’t call him Cheeto orangutan and I’m not mocking Melania. I don’t want to be like them

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For God’s sake, nooooooo. Republicans did this. Even yelled “You lie!” with Obama during his speeches and they came off as bratty, whiny children.

Disgusting. As soon as my team stops being good, I’m giving serious consideration to not watching as much.

I think I have my new luchador name.

Then do you. But that’s about all you’re gonna do


It’s amazing that Trump won white women overall by 53% and you’re still going with the sexism narrative. If women don’t vote for her and men don’t vote her, then maybe the problem is her.