
Bullshit. The police have to keep everyone there and figure out what happened. He wasn’t charged, wasn’t even taken away from the scene. This is how it’s supposed to work. He’s a hero and the cops did a good job too.

But he wasn’t irrationally cuffed. You’re getting to judge the situation after the fact and with a whole lot of info and a video. The cops that show up have little info to go off of when they get a call. They don’t know who did what, said what or in what order it all happened in. Given the confined space and lack of

As long as Andrew Miller doesn’t kick anybody in the dick, I think they’re ok.

The same way Warriors fans did when they were up 3-1. You guys have it wrapped up.

My dogs escaped the backyard and took themselves for a run around the neighborhood. The gardener left the gate unlocked and then chased them back to our house thank goodness. Here’s Berdoo telling me how not ashamed of himself he is

I made my dad marry my mom

Candy corn is glorious. I propose that anyone who doesnt like candy corn to send them to my home

Little known fact — Scarface was set in Miami, OH

If you are raiding your kid’s piggy bank for change, the coat hanger is a few years too late.

I care.

It’s cool in the way jazz is cool. Like, as a name it’s not gonna beat your ass, but it is gonna steal your girl. And probably get her hooked on opium.

Hire a guard? You have no idea from the story how many apartments there even are in the building. It sounds like a walkup, so it may not be a lot. If there were say, 8 apartments, would each tenant want to have 1/8th of a full time Manhattan salary plus taxes added to their rent? Could be $500 a month in rent for

Here’s my problem with the show: four episodes in, and I have yet to develop any kind of emotional attachment or even response to any of the characters. I am watching a complex plot unfold, but I simply don’t care about the characters. All I have is this idle curiosity of trying to figure out what the hell is going

I am sure she will do some good. She just won’t do ALL the good we want her to. She will certainly do a better job than Trump + Pence, and if Democrats take the Senate (and maybe even the House), it is possible she might be able to get a great deal of good done. By many accounts, she is also better at wheeling,

Ladies, this is what can happen if you take Creatine and drink Four Loko during a pregnancy.

As much as I dislike the Patriots organization, I can’t help but love this guy.

It’s just yet another tragic white woman story.

Let me guess, for no reason aside from your irrational, overwrought, arbitrary dislike of Jennifer Lawrence.

This wouldn’t have happened if he were white.

*waits for stars*

For him to understand that shirt, he has to press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start.