Shitty post. Shitty response.
Shitty post. Shitty response.
It’s pretty amazing. I’m ideologically aligned with Jezebel 90% of the time (and Breitbart 0%), but I almost can’t read the comments here, anymore.
Jezebel comments are starting to sound more like Breitbart comments, every day.
Hey, everybody! This guy is rich!!! Awesome, right???
See, this is the problem, and why we lost. The assumption by everybody on the left that everybody on the right is racist and the condescending attitude we took towards them.
“THEY are the shitheads. They are the ones who deserve all the scorn and hatred.”
Trolling liberal websites? C’mon.
I feel like this video would be much better if it was set to “I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story.
Except, the whole“Berniebro” thing was manufactured out of whole cloth as a campaign tactic.
Nor did I ever claim it did.
“Oh fuck that noise. I didn’t cause them to do one single fucking thing. They are adults, every single one of them, and chose their own path.”
You’re right that they don’t deserve your respect, but if we want a different outcome in 2020, we need to find a more effective way to communicate with the other side.
You seem to have absolutely no self-awareness.
I voted for Clinton.
The race is over and you’re still doing it.
Eh, I can’t tell. He may be out, but it’s also possible his heel simply crossed the plane of the sideline once it lifted and pivoted inwards as he tried to steer himself towards the middle of the field.
Simmons blocked that kick, not Parks.
“but getting kicked while we are down by disgruntled Bernie supporters is particularly painful and resentment breeding.”
“I guess comprehension is not strong with you but I will try again.”
So, you want to be as bad as the worst Trump supporters?