During the debate, she did bring his wealth up.
During the debate, she did bring his wealth up.
If that kind of thing happened dozens of time, every year, without incident, I probably wouldn’t be as concerned as this misguided analogy intends us to be.
Was this idiot on the field sneaking up behind Pagan with a knife?
Are you suggesting Pagan felt threatened and was defending himself?
Yeah, I think she’s sad because strangers spend a lot of time on the internet dissecting everything about her appearance, from her body to her face to her goddamned smile.
He’s like a very posh ferret.
All you special snowflake millennials who are going to vote for Gary Johnson so you can blabber at the cocktail party that you didn’t support Trump or Clinton; I urge you to wake the fuck up.
To my ears, he’s always been a bit Trumpian. Confident as hell and full of bravado, but not a lot of actual wit or substance in his insults.
This may shut people up, but I doubt it’s working (in a big picture sense) as well as you think.
If debates were scored on facts and logic, it’s Clinton in a landslide.
In what way is this woman not a “legit” streamer?
Oh, wow. Cool. Thanks.
So good.
You’re essentially conceding that she’s more endearing when she’s reading from a script than when being herself.
You think Galifianakiss’s persona is “dudebro?”
Most of what you wrote is true, but HSV-1 and HSV-2 are different viruses, comprised of different DNA. The designation is about more than just where the outbreaks occur.
Well, not when you say it, but when Norm does, it sure is.
Right. And I bet if you were on Flight 93, you would have disarmed the terrorists and safely landed the plane while fucking the flight attendants.
Isiah Thomas.