
It's huge. That much lead must really weigh a lot.

They probably use these to zero a road intersection out ahead of time, so repetition is your targeting system.

This still doesn't really let us procrastinate too much since data mining is driving the future and that is a parallel process that needs massively parallel CPUs and software, not just more stuff crammed onto one chip. Maybe the average user doesn't need that now, but who knows about 10 years from now.

That was my wife you wanktard.

They answered "c" for every question. Good move.

It it's a website for senior citizens then you'd post an abaqus.

Anyone know if they are flying under pilot guidance only or is there a computer controlled active feedback loop going to control the flight surfaces as well? That looks like one hard plane to control without some help.

It is not exactly cruising at 400 mph in the video. Then it would have ripped apart like a house of cards.

Water straight from the stream is about the only affordable completely natural thing around now. The only alternative is to grow your own food.

If we really cared about our bodies then many things would be illegal and many others wouldn't be. It's more about money, morals, and convenience in the US.

It sounds like you should find a new job when the opportunity presents itself.

There is a slight difference between this tape and a video of him with part of his head blown off. If you'd like to make some more martyrs for the US to deal with then the video should be released.

In future designs they are going to get rid of that last leg.

This is just an idea, and you are probably right since I have no marksman expertise. I'm pretty much talking about using two separate guns of the same model. The first shot gives you some good information in the first second or two of flight. It instantly processes and corrects the actual sniper's scope.

It makes complete sense to pay bosses bonuses (within reason) since that motivates them to perform better if it is higher bonuses for better results.

I'll be the science jerk for today and say that it was more like their head was exploding or perhaps inflating.

One improvement: Fire one shot with a trackable tracer followed quickly by a wind corrected shot.

Or you could get another identical hard drive and put them in RAID 0 configuration. You would get at least double the risk of a drive array failure over time but it would be a lot cheaper per Gigabyte.

You can bet that NASA thought about this. Most astronauts only stay on the space station for months, not years. A lot of systems in the body change in zero gravity and that can definitely have an effect on the complex interactions that happen in the body to do something as simple as cell replication. There are

I have to agree on suggestions for AutoHotKey. It's easy to make some simple hotkeys and you can do a heck of a lot with that program if you put some time into learning it. As an engineer I use it all the time to automate stuff.